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December 31, 2019

2020 Resolutions

I don’t usually write lists, but now, since I feel that I am at the end of a road, and hopefully a new beginning, and there are so many things that I want to do, I am going to write what I expect from 2020.

- Not losing my mind in 2020 for the things I wanted to finish in 2019 (and I started in 2014) 😊

- More peace. Less fighting. Negotiation, and equality. Trust.

- Strength to finish what I proposed: the C-word, the P-word, and again the C-word. Freedom. And celebrating the end of the P-word.

- Cycling more, hopefully travelling

- Having a damn hot bath in this life, full of bubbles

- I know I won’t have the money and the energy for the personal things that I wish, but I hope I will be able to sketch something (at least)

- Start using the new notebook bought last year (with dealulcudor)

- Read better books

- Sleeping better

- Learn how to swim and drive 

- Not letting people tell me that I am old

- Keeping my mind clear, focused, my pragmatism, my strength, and my feet on the ground to take one thing at a time, and take all the baby steps (and the giants ones) that I proposed.
 So help me God.

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