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December 14, 2019


December. One of my favourite words, since it encloses in it all the memories and the hopes of the future. The silence of the snow, the peace around the Christmas tree, the warmth of kindness, of remembering the goodness, of the fire, inside of us, the poetry from an ice rink.
However, most of the times, December fails to be the above things. Wrapped in commercialism, December starts to be a month of shopping, of crowded spaces, of running after a “perfect gift”, of titanic work, of noise, of busy people trying to leave the impression that they are still alive, that they feel good at parties, family reunions and so on.  
In my tiredness and sickness, all I want for my December is inner peace. I want to run away in a field full of snow, where I could skate a little (how I miss its sound and memory), and sink myself, at the end of the day, in a bath full of hot water, forgetting about Life for a while.

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