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June 27, 2011

Art, Summer, and Carver

Imi este dor de Carver. Mi-am propus vara aceasta sa mai citesc o parte din scrierile lui, desi se pare ca in 2011 cuvintele vara – vacanta par a fi un picut amenintate ... Mereu vara visez la munte, cat mai sus, cat mai mult aer, cat mai multe plimbari prin paduri dese ... mereu vara citesc teancurile ce m-au asteptat un an intreg, mereu reusesc in perioada asta sa astern pe hartie gandurile pentru care nu am mai avut timp ... mi-e dor de Carver, mi-e dor sa scriu.

Nu am reusit inca sa ma reintalnesc cu Raymond Carver, dar am dat peste un scriitor ce-i seamana:

„Cehov, Kafka, Borges si Carver: chintesenta operei lor se afla la temelia acestor naratiuni.” (Fernando Valls, Quimera)

Roberto Bolaño e un scriitor ce merita a fi citit pentru cei interesati de scriitorii de mai sus, cu o tehnica ce aminteste mult de Carver ... cum recenzia la Convorbiri telefonice trebuie sa apara acusica in alta parte, ma limitez la doua citate reprezentative pentru opera lui Bolaño:

“That's what art is”, he said, “the story of a life in all its particularity. It's the only thing that really is particular and personal. It's the expression and, at the same time, the fabric of the particular.”

 “And what do you mean by the fabric of the particular?” I asked, supposing he would answer: Art. I was also thinking, indulgently, that we were pretty drunk already and that it was time to go home. But my friend said: “What I mean is the secret story.... The secret story is the one we'll never know, although we're living it from day to day, thinking we're alive, thinking we've got it all under control and the stuff we overlook doesn't matter. But every damn thing matters! It's just that we don't realize. We tell ourselves that art runs on one track and life, our lives, on another, we don't even realize that's a lie." (from Dentist)

Jonathan Lethem : "Reading Roberto Bolaño is like hearing the secret story, being shown the fabric of the particular, watching the tracks of art and life merge at the horizon and linger there like a dream from which we awake inspired to look more attentively at the world."

Mai multe: wikipedia. (+ recenzia:

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