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January 1, 2024


Kindness – we see it in movies, find it in books, in literature, we read about its importance in psychological books, and still, we often forget about it in real life.

It is said that people who suffered the most are the kindest of all because they know what life without it looks like. I believe that people are mirrors of their inner worlds. While some reflect the exact same image in which they were raised, applying the same rules, treatments and inflicting on the others what was inflicted on themselves, other people are different kinds of mirrors, reflecting the opposite image of what they received in their childhood and youth. Same core, different reflections.

Kindness. I keep thinking about this word and the butterfly effect that the lack of it can have on one’s soul since this December, when I lost one of my first mentors. Beyond genius, creativity, logical thinking, and anything one wants, it is how we behave with one another that matters, and come to think about it, ironically, kindness seems to lack so much in this world that it is often confused with affection (although it may be a sign of it), vulnerability/fragility, and even being suspected of wanting something in return.

For 2024, my resolution starts here: try to be a little kinder to each other.   

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