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April 18, 2010

Rain of Memories

Here comes the rain again,

Falling on my head like a Memory …


Life is made of days in different colors; some of them are so grey and full of fog that we cannot see the day of tomorrow; some days are so shiny, full of rainbows, that we remember of ourselves and we want to jump in that rainbow of hope.

There are also moments when the sun is hidden in darkness. Total eclipse of heart.  Darkness falls in our road and we are so blind by this eclipse that we cannot see the butterflies which are flying near us. Life is movement.

Happiness. Sadness. Hope. Strength. Coldness. Broken wings. Bliss. Dreams. We wear all the feelings inside ourselves, we are born with inner voices and we have a meaning in this life. But people are the ones who destroy or build us. We walk day by day on a road of spring or autumn or winter or summer; in our walks, we see unknown people who are moving on different direction, we see trains of life, and in this huge sea of Life, we dare to write our own Destiny. In this walk we meet people who gave us clothes of happiness, of sadness, of hope, of coldness and of strength, of dreams. Because we are what we were born and we are all the people that we meet in our long or short journey.

Swinging in Memories that day. There are people that come and go. There are people that we love so much that we don’t want to let them go. And for these people memories never fade away. A step back in time – finding again arms that we love, old friends that never go away. Here to say “stop”, here to listen, here to give gestures, here to offer Words, to a slave of Words ... We always try to search ourselves. Some of us are so stubborn to find perfection that they choose to stay alone. In storms, in sunny days, in wind. Some of us ignore Superficiality in relations and cannot give it in any forms.  I fall in the past, I felt it again that sweet cold protection, in which we were playing with words and feelings.  And we were laughing. I was really laughing after so many days. Giving up the last mask that I had. Giving up the last broken smile that I kept. Yes, I needed that day and I needed that meeting with the past.

Friends. God gave us our family; thank God we can choose our friends! Everything that is called Life starts in Friendship and everything that wears the name of Friendship cannot be treated with Superficiality. Old good friends, in which respect melts in admiration and love. Old good people who caught us once, still here to make us laugh and take both of our hands… it will be ok. Truman Capote. We all need a hug and 3 words: it will be ok …

Old good friends and new good friends. Knock, knock on Life’s door. I am still afraid, behind these frozen walls, of Illusions, of I. But I needed that rain of words so much, and I needed remembering Memories so much! Because you see, I am naked of Dreams. And in that day, somebody gave me a new cloth to wear. Because it is too cold outside to be bold-naked of dreams. And in my try to breathe again, somebody whispered my name so close to my heart and someone else took my hand and whispered again, so close to the heart, that waiting is over...

Nothingness. There is Nothing, I am Nothing, I have Nothing, I feel Nothing, I am Nothing once again, there is Nothing. Emptiness that hides SO many things, emptiness filled with pain or hope or smiles or memories or all of these.

People that we love, people in which we dare to hope, people who had taught us so many things, and still people that we fear ... let them NOT be another illusion in the great illusions of the universe. And you were in darkness, where tears fall one by one in every new day, where feelings died one by one and your heart stopped beating. And now, in your glimpse of the past, you hear it again. One beat. Two beats. Heart recharge with dreams. Yes, now it beats again.

Because …

It rained with Memories and Words and Gestures on my road. And the Rainbow is still on the sky.

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