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February 20, 2011

ACCEPTANCE in an Upside-Down World

"Life is mostly froth and bubble, two things stand like stone, KINDNESS in another's trouble, COURAGE in your own."

Adam L. Gordon

Every minute counts. We talk about Earth, God, Society. As Emerson points out in “The American Scholar”, not classification is the primary source of knowledge, but the wholeness, what these divided minuscule parts form. A tree, a wave, a land, an island, the blue sky, the storm, the seasons = Earth. Atomas are essential, but their union shape the Life. Society is formed by individuals, most of the time different in their thinking, and God cannot be understood if we don’t understand the human being. What if God was one of us? In each of us, and in order to see/love Him, we must see the ones around us …

Life is made of hours, years, happy and sad moments. Life is build up from seconds, from breathes, from bubbles. One second here, mingled with another one and another one, mixed with breathing. This is how Life begins. Every minute counts. And in this harmony of Life, of the perfection buried inside Life, we, human beings, divide ourselves, forget ourselves, we, human beings, let other feelings govern our lives. Because we forget that our time is limited, that we have only a life; we forget the dear ones, thinking that we shall have enough time to tell them how much we love them, and we consume our energy with knick-knocks, with insignificant people.

Acceptance in an Upside-Down world. Is this world insane or am I the one who has got problems? More and more people think only of money. No matter if they have enough, they always want more. And if they could win this money without working, they would be happier. People don’t have a goal in their lives … what would I like to be? What suits me best? What is my meaning in life? We are afraid of loneliness, and we accept any person in our lives. So that we won’t be lonely to the end. And let’s just think … they have happiness: money, love, family. Let’s look in the life of the people who are fair to themselves to the end … besides TRUTH, what do they have?

We spend our life discussing about the others, hunting grades/scholarships/career/fame, etc. We gossip, we live without thinking, without the conscience of clocks, and most of the time, we are haunted by happiness. This is the first level of acceptance in the world.

The second level of acceptance relates to me, the relation between me and the Others. All my life I have been searching for ACCEPTANCE, to be accepted as a whole, with all my defects and qualities. We are afraid to show the others who we really are, to show the beast inside us, to make the beast inside us kneel in front of dear ones. Will you hug this beast? Being different is a disease; we boast ourselves, saying that “differences are nice”, but in fact we do not accept our oppositions, other thinking systems, other shapes. We are afraid of what is different and we search, all of us search, for people like us.

On a third level, I think we have acceptance towards us. I and Me. Do we really accept our own beings? Do I? When I feel not accepted by the people from the first bubble, people that I don’t give a damn on them, I rarely feel something. When I feel judged by my people, no matter how strongly I scream at them, no matter how strongly I hit them, saying "YOU don't have this right!", I actually hit myself. We judge every difference, every tiny piece from our being, and we judge at the same time the fire that burns our hearts, the fire that says NO, the difference itself. We build up our land, our dear and safe land, based on the inner fire, on the inner energy, on the struggle of conscience. Being the person who you feel to be vs. being the person that the others want to see/have.

Roads. We take a road, we take another, we fall, and we kill minutes. Have you ever thought that in a way or another we are ALL a sort of suicides? Because we kill our Time with all the trifles, not worth-reading books, not-worth talking people, and so on.

The world in which we live is turned upside-down, it is a tango or a play danced/written by Someone with a black humor. But this Someone lives in bubbles, in a me, a you, a we, a they, and I guess this Someone searches also for ACCEPTANCE.   


  1. Life itself is everything that is. Our life as humans is a bubble indeed. Acquiring kindness and courage are the two things that shape a purpose to our lives.
    I do not see anywhere an upside-down world of humans. We are all exactly as much as we can be in a moment in time. Yes, there is an ideal world, but that exists only in our imagination - whenever we say "this shouldn't be/happen/etc", we just assume that things SHOULD follow an ideal course of action. There has never been a perfect world of humans because we develop in so many different ways, in different environments and we are so complex and so simple at the same time....We are all here to learn of the best course of action - some figure it out sooner, some may never do that. Things happen just as they happen and while it is a good thing to keep in mind that harmony that defines life itself, the best thing to do is to accept that everything is the result of causality (this is the result of that, which is a result of that, etc.).
    The world we live in is designed by our own actions as human beings. The good is there, but, for obvious reasonable/natural reasons very few ever try to reach it. Who is to be blamed? Causality?

    That's why I can never judge anyone, but understand the persons around me. Can you - or anyone - say that the other is "insignificant"? We are equally important, because we all came into existence and this means that the universe "wanted" us. Or God, as one may call it. If there were no evil people, we wouldn't know how to make the difference between what is good and what is bad. What to appreciate in one and what is not valuable. Yes, a pedophile is useful to show us the limits that are not to be crossed - even if he deserves capital punishment and I would like to be the one who grants him with such benevolence. It is not about fairness or unfairness - it is about what is needed for human beings to evolve.

    On the other hand, I agree with you that people nowadays lost their way, driven by the desire for gold, money. But They are Not Happy - they're merely too blind to realize their unhappiness. There's no tragedy in their life because they're not aware of their state of being. You say that they have money, love, family. They may have money, but families and love....these are more serious things. They live in their world of the illusion that they have achieved what they wanted - but if there's a light wind at the horizon, their castles fall. Happiness is a continuous state of being, and does not include rage, sadness, crying. It is an absolute that can be achieved only by the one who are fair to themselves till the end - and the Truth you talk about shall set everyone free. Because the one who gets what he/she wants is rarely wise enough to want exactly what he/she needs.

    Thus, accepting anything and anyone only by fearing loneliness can only mean hiding from the truth, hiding from yourself and from the fact that you may be completely alone. Since truth is so rare, it's better to live by it. And truth...isn't it what you and I need? I think it's better to be alone and living the truth than be less alone and living a lie. We look for people like us not because we are afraid, but because it is the best way to grow as a person, to build something together. If you talk to a Chinese, but you don't know the language, what will any of you understand? Nothing. The same rule applies to friendship and love.

    The third level is the most difficult one. We all wear masks and for people like us is almost impossible not to wear a mask. And as far as I could see, it is not only due to the fear involved, but because our quest for independence. For power. For this is who we really are. Is it good? Is it bad? Only time can tell...

  2. Life is a bubble, life is a game. I like playing games. I'm happy to read this, to read this "happiness" in your lines.
    Yes, the world needs all kind of humans. Yes, we don't live in a perfect world... would it be a boring world? Would we be bored if we had everything?
    My problem is that of Hell, knowing it too well, wanting something more. A ray of happiness. And PATIENCE ... well, sometimes a ray needs other rays to be ok. ;). You, they, can't ask from a person to shine forever, to smile all the time, if she/he doesn't receive a ray of happiness from time to time, when she/he is not respected. As a human being. You can't give heaven and receive hell all the time, can you?
    And what is funny ... the world is turned upside down even here ... TRUTH, I give the Truth inside of me, I give Truth to my friends, in my words, I teach people differences, I remember ... what do I receive? Turn my truth upside down and you shall understand why.


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