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May 1, 2018

Portraits of I

Let me be and let me live.
James Joyce

There is the I who would like to fly away. Fly in a more civilized country, where people know how to behave and respect the basic rules. A country in which its streets are cleaner, where people respect one another and things evolve, where you don’t have to struggle so much for a modest salary. A country in which I could finally breathe.

There is the I who loves travelling, who would want to travel across the world, not settling anywhere, meeting, helping people. Flying across borders, living always on the borderland.

And there is the I who would want to settle. Have her own house, with a small garden, making that place after her own design. I would like to sit somewhere, arrange things according to my style, bringing there my personality, having two dogs and a child around me. Growing roots in my career and personal life. Struggling to make a difference, having the professions that I love.

It is peace that all of I-s search. Tranquillity. Life. Making a difference. Being let to finally live. 

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