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May 22, 2011

Take Me Back to ... Happiness

Remember ... ?


Bookblogs, bookclubs, meetings, ambition, broken hearts, memories, Pride, Words and Friendship ... what do we really need from all these?

We are all in search of Happiness. We all need people. We are humble, fragile, little beings, little children, too scared by the haunting of our yesterdays, by the abyss of tomorrow, by the emptiness of today. We search ... for what? Glory, love, stability, ourselves? We rise, we fall, we hug, we hate.

Take all my little words and destroy all my worlds. Take all my ambition, all my memories, crush them under your feet, and give me back my Happiness, give me back my voice, so that one day you can hear me. Because it’s ironic, dearest Friend … ironic and cruel. To be heard by a world, and to be mute in front of the people that we really need. To create and to destroy, to paint and to erase, to play with waves and hurricanes, and suddenly, to stumble across beating hearts, to dare, terrified to death, to believe … haven't you taught me to Believe? ... You leave behind all your games with words, all your ironies, and you shape with them vulnerable, deep emotions, so vulnerable and so deep that all your egos, all your memories kneel … in front of a strong, unheard beating from a heart. But now, ironically, your words are not listened, are not understood, are not recognized … Why? …

Take all my little words and destroy all my worlds. Take them all and create from all of them the real meaning of my language.  

HAPPINESS. For me, happiness lays in tiny things, in banal things. Happiness is simply a winter silent day, a white rose, a smile, a walk. Why would I need more? Why would the Human inside of me need more than this?!  Why do people need cars, gadgets, houses with big rooms, big balconies, power …?! Why do we need so many things, why don’t we see that HAPPINESS, real HAPPINESS, without Nietzsche’s quotes, is HERE, among us, in insignificant things?! Why don’t you hear me, why don’t you see me? Why do we search for definitions to happiness, why do we suffer so much, why don’t we listen to it?

Dear God, dear Friend ... take me back to the start. Take me back on the green, peaceful field; take me back on a branch of my tree, naked of memories, with an unwounded heart. Take me back, dear Friend, to a winter silent day, where snowflakes, tiny snowflakes dance on the blue sky ... take me back and take my hand, in Silence. And in this Silence, dearest Friend, learn to hear me. Because only this Silence, this death of words, can make you hear my soul.  

Bookblogs, bookclubs, landscapes and me. We all have a road to follow, we all go in search of Ithaca, we are all Humans and gods. Fragile, little Humans, broken by other fragile little Humans. ’Cause we are equal. We are all gods, capable of making a difference, unique in our structure, owners of our lives, responsible to make a change. And we are all alone, and we all need someone from time to time to REMEMBER us who we really are …  in darkness, in waves …   

Bookblogs, bookclubs, meetings, ambition, broken hearts, memories, Pride, Words and Friendship ... what do we really need from all these? Going back to the Past, flying in time, in search of THE Ithaca that has always been inside of us. Going back home, remembering. Happiness. My real happiness lays in small things, in walks and dances, in breathing gently, in peace.

Be gentle now, unwrapped me of words and memories, and take me back, after such a long road, to my forgotten Happiness.




  1. I thought nothing was better or of more importance to you than literature and writing....What do you value and care, after all?
    If you want to be taken back to the beginnings and to the very Being, try some meditation exercises (deep breathing+no thoughts at all). After 15 minutes you'll open your eyes and won't recognize anything around you as part of you, not even the greatest writers that shaped your being.
    The question is: Can you Let go of them, can You let go of words, blogs, memories, books etc. and just be and be happy?

    No god, no friend, no human will ever give you what you want. You're the only one you should ask for something.
    It's up to you.

  2. Eh, mi s-au inecat si mie un pic corabile ieri in amintiri.:) Ma doare cand nu sunt inteleasa in anumite aspecte, in aspectele alea atat de simple si de banale ... Ideea mea era ca exprimam atat de multe lucruri in scris, creem atat de multe lucruri prin cuvinte, si totusi, suntem incapabili sa ne facem intelesi oamenilor care au facut o diferenta in viata noastra. Nu e asta ironic? Nu e ironic cat de multe lucruri pot uita oamenii, nu e ironic diferenta asta, intre a creea, intre ce oferi celorlalti, si propriile sentimente, propria lume?
    Da, take me back to Happiness poate fi numita mai mult o meditatie. Fericirea sta in lucruri simple, banale, asta e fericirea pe care as cere-o pentru toate lucrurile pe care le dau. Propria mea lume, cu my small good things ...


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