"Life is mostly froth and bubble, two things stand like stone, KINDNESS in another's trouble, COURAGE in your own."
Adam L. Gordon
Every minute counts. We talk about Earth, God, Society. As Emerson points out in “The American Scholar”, not classification is the primary source of knowledge, but the wholeness, what these divided minuscule parts form. A tree, a wave, a land, an island, the blue sky, the storm, the seasons = Earth. Atomas are essential, but their union shape the Life. Society is formed by individuals, most of the time different in their thinking, and God cannot be understood if we don’t understand the human being. What if God was one of us? In each of us, and in order to see/love Him, we must see the ones around us …
Life is made of hours, years, happy and sad moments. Life is build up from seconds, from breathes, from bubbles. One second here, mingled with another one and another one, mixed with breathing. This is how Life begins. Every minute counts. And in this harmony of Life, of the perfection buried inside Life, we, human beings, divide ourselves, forget ourselves, we, human beings, let other feelings govern our lives. Because we forget that our time is limited, that we have only a life; we forget the dear ones, thinking that we shall have enough time to tell them how much we love them, and we consume our energy with knick-knocks, with insignificant people.
Acceptance in an Upside-Down world. Is this world insane or am I the one who has got problems? More and more people think only of money. No matter if they have enough, they always want more. And if they could win this money without working, they would be happier. People don’t have a goal in their lives … what would I like to be? What suits me best? What is my meaning in life? We are afraid of loneliness, and we accept any person in our lives. So that we won’t be lonely to the end. And let’s just think … they have happiness: money, love, family. Let’s look in the life of the people who are fair to themselves to the end … besides TRUTH, what do they have?
We spend our life discussing about the others, hunting grades/scholarships/career/fame, etc. We gossip, we live without thinking, without the conscience of clocks, and most of the time, we are haunted by happiness. This is the first level of acceptance in the world.
The second level of acceptance relates to me, the relation between me and the Others. All my life I have been searching for ACCEPTANCE, to be accepted as a whole, with all my defects and qualities. We are afraid to show the others who we really are, to show the beast inside us, to make the beast inside us kneel in front of dear ones. Will you hug this beast? Being different is a disease; we boast ourselves, saying that “differences are nice”, but in fact we do not accept our oppositions, other thinking systems, other shapes. We are afraid of what is different and we search, all of us search, for people like us.
On a third level, I think we have acceptance towards us. I and Me. Do we really accept our own beings? Do I? When I feel not accepted by the people from the first bubble, people that I don’t give a damn on them, I rarely feel something. When I feel judged by my people, no matter how strongly I scream at them, no matter how strongly I hit them, saying "YOU don't have this right!", I actually hit myself. We judge every difference, every tiny piece from our being, and we judge at the same time the fire that burns our hearts, the fire that says NO, the difference itself. We build up our land, our dear and safe land, based on the inner fire, on the inner energy, on the struggle of conscience. Being the person who you feel to be vs. being the person that the others want to see/have.
Roads. We take a road, we take another, we fall, and we kill minutes. Have you ever thought that in a way or another we are ALL a sort of suicides? Because we kill our Time with all the trifles, not worth-reading books, not-worth talking people, and so on.
The world in which we live is turned upside-down, it is a tango or a play danced/written by Someone with a black humor. But this Someone lives in bubbles, in a me, a you, a we, a they, and I guess this Someone searches also for ACCEPTANCE.