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May 30, 2018

Art and Life

“Art is the lie that tells the truth. Don’t try to understand. You have to feel. And I hope this dove makes people feel. The truth. That we are capable of the most horrible violence.  Which is why we must fight so hard against it." (Genius, Picasso) 

May 20, 2018

Sky Full of Sorrow

I couldn't hide from the thunder in a sky full of song ...

Feeling like living in a loop. Saying, feeling the same things over and over again, feeling chained in a world in which I do not want to live anymore, feeling a foreigner, an alien, in my own shoes, in a world in which I cannot find myself, or hear myself, in all the noise that surrounds me.

I would like to stay on a top of a mountain, closing my eyes, hearing only my own heartbeats. I would like to be able to ignore the other voices that shaped me. Or be able to express myself freely in a world where everyone has something to say. Being able to open myself – really open and dare to say what I really think and feel (especially feel) – without being judged. This is what I miss the most.

I would like for one single day to unleash all my thoughts and feelings. Be a painter, or a god, and draw the sky of my own song. Be able to stop being the mother, the one who always helps, who always listens, who always protects, who always finds solutions, who is always there. I would like for one single day to stop caring and being the one who receives all that I give. I would like for one single day to stop caring all this heaviness on my shoulders. 

May 16, 2018


There are moments when I simply want to get out of the school, of the class, and never look back. There are moments when I ask myself if I had taken the right decision, being a teacher, and if in all this time, I couldn’t have done something else.

And there are moments – many moments – when you simply love what you do. You love being in front of children, of students, seeing their evolution, your fingerprint left in their lives. You love being in front of them. Or short epiphanies, when you realise that despite all the angriness, the nerves that they caused you, despite all their ignorance, you care about those kids, more than you thought and realised.

There is a huge struggle inside myself between the system that I hate and the classes that I love, between the communism which keeps on living on the halls of the schools, haunting all of us, teachers and students, and the things that I give and receive from my students. There are times when I am in the middle of a class, and I ask myself how could I give up all of these. Despite the tiredness, despite the system, despite the papers. Because since kindergarten, I have wanted to teach, to discover in ordinary people the exceptional things.  

May 8, 2018

The Road(s) Not Taken ...

"If I once convince myself that this kind of life is suicidal to my soul, I will make everything and everybody stand out of my way as I did before now. "
James Joyce

And I think it is. Days after days, after days. Days looking all the same. Days of tiredness, of bitterness, of unspoken words, of unwritten worlds, of regrets.
Finding shelter in my hidden self. Lighting a cigarette, looking at its smoke how it vanishes into the air. Like all the dreams, all the designs that we once had.
Feeling like I cannot find myself in this place. Feeling an alien in a world that I cannot understand. In a world in which I lost its meaning. Chocking in routine. Crushed by cliches. Feeling like all my words are dead before I can even utter them.

Right now, I don’t feel like starting something new. I do not want to be caught in another place. I do not want to be caged again. I do not want to be tamed. I do not want sanity. I want to fly away. Breathing, living, being free. 

May 1, 2018

Portraits of I

Let me be and let me live.
James Joyce

There is the I who would like to fly away. Fly in a more civilized country, where people know how to behave and respect the basic rules. A country in which its streets are cleaner, where people respect one another and things evolve, where you don’t have to struggle so much for a modest salary. A country in which I could finally breathe.

There is the I who loves travelling, who would want to travel across the world, not settling anywhere, meeting, helping people. Flying across borders, living always on the borderland.

And there is the I who would want to settle. Have her own house, with a small garden, making that place after her own design. I would like to sit somewhere, arrange things according to my style, bringing there my personality, having two dogs and a child around me. Growing roots in my career and personal life. Struggling to make a difference, having the professions that I love.

It is peace that all of I-s search. Tranquillity. Life. Making a difference. Being let to finally live. 

Blue January

This too, shall pass … The phrase that I keep repeating to myself during these days. " I was bruised and battered I couldn't tell w...