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March 22, 2018

Carpe Diem

,,Daţi-mi un trup,
voi munţilor,
daţi-mi alt trup să-mi descarc nebunia
în plin!
Pământule larg, fii trunchiul meu,
fii pieptul acestei năprasnice inimi,
prefă-te-n lăcaşul furtunilor cari mă strivesc,
fii amfora eului meu îndărătnic!
Prin cosmos
auzi-s-ar atuncea măreţii mei paşi
şi-aş apare năvalnic şi liber
cum sunt,
pământule sfânt."
Lucian Blaga

Feeling life rushing through your veins. Feeling time stopping or passing on the corridors of life. Feeling our immortality in front of nature. This is what I feel when I am in the middle of mountains, trying to reach the top, looking at everything from above. That feeling of awe, that moment when you forget all your history, when you simply want to sit somewhere, remembering how to breathe after a long time, despite knowing that when you get up from there, and leaving that place, other noises, other duties, other meaningless routines will start all over again.

I don’t know why some people forget to look in front of them, why Life has been transferred from this reality to virtual reality, why some are so busy taking pictures (and selfies), checking-in, that they ignore what is in front of them. I don’t know why some people are so blind, so shallow, so empty of meaning. And I pity them, pity this lack of meaning, lack of understanding, of being unable to find joy beyond a photograph posted on Facebook. I pity the new generations who are already too tired to travel, for whom trips mean only booze and staying locked in a room, with their phones in their hands. I pity people who keep on posting pictures from plays or opera (without understanding what is in front of them), people who keep on posting every minute of their lives, from what they are eating to the places that they are visiting. I don’t know why we keep on forgetting that we are all going to die one day.   

I have always been searching for my kind of people, for roots, for making a difference. I have always had a problem finding the right people for me, and maybe making myself understood. And it’s ironic how even when you feel at the end, you still feel that burst of energy that you still want and have to offer, even when you are surrounded by the most shallow people from the entire world, you still discover some people/kids for whom you have some things to learn. And in my new defeatedness – because this is how the last weeks have been felt – I still try desperately to cling to something.    

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