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January 25, 2015

Portrait of Artists and Small Good Things

I came across these thoughts which reminded me of how much I searched and gave for such a miracle. I wonder if such things still exist or our world is too busy and depressed for art, artists and friendships, a universe too tired to see and feel miracles. "Faith is a powerful thing", warned me someone, long time ago. And even so, I guess I am one of those few insane people who still believe in fairy-tales, although this often offers us only destruction ... but no matter what the cost is, we all need something to believe in, don't we? ... 
"Usually the artist has two life-long companions, neither of his own choosing ... poverty and loneliness. To have a friend who understands and appreciates your work, one who never lets you down but who becomes more devoted, more reverent, as the years go by, that is a rare experience. It takes only one friend, if he is a man of faith, to work miracles." (Henry Miller)

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