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January 17, 2014

Poetry/Shi – Water. Silence. Life.

Life is unfair. Cruel. Merciless. Meaningless. We love and we get abandoned. We love and we get hurt. We give our hearts, our memories, our past and all of them are left somewhere in the middle of an empty road in less than half an hour. Life means death. Lost. Sufferance. Abandonment.

However, life has a wonderful part in it. In the things we cannot say. In the wind that blows or in the waves – be them inside or outside ourselves. In love. In values. In principles. In friendship, for those who still have their friends in their lives ...

Life means Poetry. And Poetry is equal to Silence and to Water. It is all of the above: sufferance and love, protection and abandonment, good memories and nightmares, health and sickness, our mistakes and our victories, our empathy, humanity, acceptance …. our biggest fears with our simplest moments, which make some of our days perfect.

For those who want to see maybe one of the most lyrical films. For those who believe in Life and in Poetry. For those who don’t search in a movie just the “romance”, “the action”, “the sound”, “the physical beauty”, and even the language…. For those who go beyond these and want to see the human being as simple as it is. For those who are caught in their waves. And in their wars within. And see no way out. Watch Poetry

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