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March 16, 2010



Why do we feel so good in nature? In its silence, in the wind, in the cold, in its perfection.

We try to search for ourselves. In people, thoughts, nature. We sit down and look inside of us and hear voices, struggling to escape, struggling to win. We realize out of a sudden, in the arms of nature, how lonely we are and we look around. People are absent. People run in front of silence, in front of this coldness of pain. And coldness hits us so strong, in our souls, in our bodies. And we look around, human and inhuman, we look around. "I wish ..." and see nature. And you remember how much you wanted to go in nature, to escape from this fall, to find your energy ... and you look around, and open your eyes wide. Open them wide! Emptiness. Loneliness. Coldness. Wind screaming to .... People who run from all these. Snow, gentle, gentle, fallind down, like tears that don't want to stop. Rain washing away, or at least trying to wash away, memories. And suddenly you look around and you SEE the lanscape and FEEL the weather. And you cannot move from here. In spite of coldness, and emptiness and loneliness and fear. And you know this view.

Because it is you.




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