... I have no Beginning and no End. Who am I?
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."
Beginnings or a new “hello”, starting-points in search for … us, friends, lovers, entertainment, ordinary life, games; every life is a new story, with no beginning, no end. But every new page has an ending line; every ending line leads to a new chapter. Quo vadis from here, quo vadis from there?
Ignorance is Bliss. I want Hell. If so, then, what am I? I divide myself into two, or three, or thousands of entities and feelings, because with every new person that we meet, we discover something else, a hidden part of us, or just another part of life. But I have always liked to play with … Life. Because life is the only thing that we really possess and feel - its memories with its people, its shapes and colours. Life is hidden in all these, and day after day, we are
trying to find its reality, in order to find our … Ego. Again, who am I?
“You spend your whole life looking for answers, because you think the next answer will change something, maybe make you a little less miserable. And you know that when you run out of questions you don’t just run out of answers, you run out of hope. You glad you know that?”
I am searching for Meaning. Some of us find it in those “supreme things”, such as family, or God, some of us simply say - “God is dead”. Human beings can be reflections of meaning. Some people are reflections of coldness – because we need it to survive, to be there for the others, because thoughts are frozen and the only part of us, still alive, is the thinking world. Non-feelings.
Some people are reflections of humanity, of feelings, of what humanity really is in us, so human that neither God nor heroes cannot be accepted … But life isn’t just thoughts and frozen words (or worlds), and stoned souls; but life isn’t just our memories in our present day, because life sometimes means a God, because life sometimes asks us to be heroes once in a while, or life demands us to search for heroes, in order, again, to survive. Frozen souls need gentleness to teach them to keep that tiny part called “humanity” alive. Who am … ?
“Every life is many days, day after day. We walk through ourselves, meeting robbers, ghosts, giants, old men, young men, wives, widows, brothers-in-love, but always meeting ourselves.”
Art is a part of me, and Literature is … Literature. I like long walks in nature, thinking. I always think of something or someone. Day and night. Walks with friends, walks with myself. I also love animals - dogs, horses, bears. And children. Laughing all the time with them ...
Words and Silence. Fighting in our souls, trying to escape … Nothingness. Some words are lost forever, some of them echo forever in us; in the end, words, and us, are swallowed by … Silence. There are too many things to be said, too many quotes to be given, too many explanations. I am gravitating around Mythology, Philosophy, Psychology, History, Human Beings, in order to find … EGO, beyond Silence.
But “I am one and many” – yesterday, today, tomorrow. I have no boundaries, because The limits of my words are the limits of my world. Wittgenstein. Or is it that … History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake … (guess we should all awake from it sooner or later)…?
… Who am I, what am I searching? Just Ithaca.