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August 28, 2018

Rushdie and the World of Puzzles

I am in front of a huge table covered in tiny puzzle pieces and I can’t wait to put them together. I love puzzles – the play, the expectation, the waiting. I play, invent, construct, destroy, reconstruct puzzles in real life, trying to find the best fit, the best final image. And I love challenges, in books, in people, in life. 

I finished reading Midnight’s Children and there are so many things to be said about this book that it’s difficult to start from somewhere, to find the right words and to put them in the right order. All this year I have been expecting, searching, for a book to challenge me, to discover something new, to represent me when it comes to literature.

I loved the Scheherazade style, the way the story flows on the page, sometimes going straight, sometimes divagating, playing with the past and the present. I loved the puzzle metaphor in contrast with the wholeness for India (and not only) – the multitude of religions, of people, of opinions, of beliefs, of histories, and the whole that it gave in its wars and divisions. I loved the narrator and the reader play, the unreliability of Saleem, the way literature and imagination reflect society in their own way. I loved how mundane, the day-by-day life becomes connected with the Change… And what maybe I loved the most at this book was the new meaning that it gave to “history is the nightmare from which I am trying to awake”, the way personal history mingles in social, historical one, becoming one – even if this part was the most difficult for a reader like me.

 Once in a while, I like to find different cultures, different ways of living, like in all the days of my lives I try to find different people, different thinkings. There is a literature that we know, easy for us to grasp, despite maybe the challenges found in style (like Joyce, Faulkner, McCarthy, etc.). And there is a literature unfamiliar to us, with topics, histories that we did not think of – like Rushdie, Pamuk or Mo Yan.

And, at the end, what is India? For us, Europeans, for cultures like us, for them, Indians, and their diversity. What is left after their independence? How can one grasp the wholeness, how can they escape cosmopolitism? What is now left from Rushdie’s India, or from the image that we made of it? And can one who is outside this culture really grasp its true meaning, really understand it, or do we just see a part of the puzzle?

August 19, 2018

109/ Sur le fil piano

ÃŽncă nu e septembrie, încă nu e toamnă, încă nu sunt aici. E greu să defineÈ™ti, să găseÈ™ti cuvintele potrivite cu starea pe care o tot porÈ›i năucă în tine, pe care o tot îngropi sub pragmatism È™i zidurile pe care le-ai tot ridicat. Și-n minimalismul meu, pe care uneori aÈ™ vrea să-l sfarm în bucăți pentru a mă face auzită dindărătul lui, găsesc cuvinte-oglindă, cuvinte-tăiuÈ™uri, cuvinte din spatelele icebergului construit lăuntric în tine, care reflectă, care trădează, care mă redau în acest ceas de vară târzie.  

Voiam să rămân în septembrie ...
                                                                                                             Nina Casian 
Voiam să rămân în septembrie
pe plaja pustie și palidă,
voiam să mă-ncarc de cenușa
cocorilor mei nestatornici
și vântul greoi să-mi adoarmă
în plete cu apă năvoade;

voiam să-mi aprind într-o noapte
țigara mai albă ca luna,
È™i-n jurul meu – nimeni, doar marea
cu forța-i ascunsa și gravă;

voiam să rămân în septembrie,
prezentă la trecerea timpului,
cu-o mână în arbori, cu alta-n
nisipul cărunt – È™i să lunec
odată cu vara în toamnă…

Dar mie îmi sunt sorocite,
pesemne, plecări mai dramatice.
Mi-e dat să mă smulg din priveliști
cu sufletul nepregătit,
cum dat mi-e să plec din iubire
când încă mai am de iubit…

Blue January

This too, shall pass … The phrase that I keep repeating to myself during these days. " I was bruised and battered I couldn't tell w...