"Because the truth is, rarely can a response make something better. What makes something better is connection."
There are days when we just need a shoulder to cry on. Moments when we just need to say what hurts us so much and people to really hear us. We don’t need and we aren’t helped at all when we are criticized in our pain, we don’t want to hear “you are so easily defeated”, no matter if we cut our fingers or lose something really dear, because nobody can really judge an internal wound from the outside. We want to be hugged and allowed to cry. We want empathy more than anything. We want to be heard, we want for just once to be understood, we want to stop working, wearing masks, and just take our time from everything, because we need now our time of grieving.
It’s funny how we criticize in
people what we have inside ourselves, too blind or proud to see … Maybe Life has its moments of greyness for everyone and we do need someone to remind us its colours, as we sometimes, so desperately, unsuccessfully, try to do. Once in a year, maybe we need them - our dear old friends -too. You know that
time when we want to stop being the strong ones, the fighters, the ones who
find the energy to go on, no matter how difficult life is. And if this “now” is
the worst moment to do this, maybe we do need that shoulder, not a kick.
Now we search for that forgotten, mythical, sacred "two-way street". Because what we really want now is NOT to be criticized in our pain, to be sunk
in it, but, most of all, we just want not to feel alone in such moments.