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July 17, 2010

Darkness and Brightness

Spre soare râd!/Eu nu-mi am inima în cap,/nici creieri n-am în inimă./Sunt beat de lume şi-s pagân!
Dar oare ar rodi-n ogorul meu/atâta râs făr'de căldura raului?
Şi-ar înflori pe buza ta atâta vrajă,/de n-ai fi frământată,/Sfânto,/de voluptatea-ascunsă/a păcatului?
Ca un eretic stau pe gânduri şi mă-ntreb:/De unde-şi are raiul -/lumina? - Ştiu: Îl luminează iadul
cu flăcările lui!

(Lucian Blaga – Lumina raiului)


Zambim. Ne sărbătorim în fiecare an zilele de naştere, arătându-ne cât de fericiţi am devenit în timp. Ne întemeiem familii, dorind a fi modele, dorind a le oferi copiilor noştri fericirea noastră sau cea pe care noi am visat-o. Invăţăm în licee, lucrăm, ducem mai departe ceea ce alţii au zidit în noi. Societatea ne învaţă că în viaţă nu trebuie să trecem fără să plantăm un copac, să construim o casă şi să avem un copil. Ce ne mai trebuie să fim fericiţi? Suntem condamnaţi la fericire încă de la început. Zâmbim, purtând atât de multe măşti zi de zi, oră de oră, ne modelăm după cerinţe, după “ce va zice lumea”, după tipare, încât uităm cine suntem cu adevărat.

“Dăm petreceri, ne abandonăm familile pentru a trăi singuri în Canada; ne luptăm să scriem cărţi care nu schimbă lumea, în ciuda talentului nostru, eforturilor noastre generoase, speranţelor celor mai extravagante. Ne trăim vieţile, facem ce facem şi apoi adormim – cât se poate de simplu şi de banal. Unii sar de la fereastră, se îneacă sau iau pastile; mai mulţi mor din cauza accidentelor şi marea majoritate sunt devoraţi lent de vreo boală sau, dacă sunt foarte norocoşi, de timp. Drept consolare ni se dă din când şi când o oră, şi atunci vieţile noastre par, în ciuda tuturor adversităţilor şi aşteptărilor, să ni se deschidă plenar şi să ne ofere tot ce ne-am imaginat, deşi toţi, cu excepţia copiilor (şi probabil că şi ei) ştiu că aceste ore vor fi urmate inevitabil de altele, mult mai întunecate şi mai dificile. Cu toate astea, ne bucurăm de oraş, de dimineaţă, sperăm, mai mult decât orice, să obţinem mai mult.

      Numai Dumnezeu ştie de ce-o iubim atât.”

Şi ce se întampla cand totul in noi cade, se naruie, cand ne pierdem printre ore, ce se intampla atunci cand uitam totul – teluri, prietenii, ratiuni, amintiri – cand toate acestea se prabusesc fara zgomot in suflet si odata cu ele cadem in genunchi, sub zidurile de apa ce incep sa ne inconjoare, pe pamantul ce se surpa sub noi … e atat de multa apa, si atata oboseala si tristete in ea, e atat de pustiu si de frig, e atat de pustiu si de intuneric in orele in care razboiul cu noi insine s-a terminat, cand din tot ce am fost, din tot ce am iubit si din tot ce am dat a ramas o simpla epava ce asteapta un val spre suprafata, o mana care sa ne aminteasca de noi. Unde suntem, incotro, de ce?...

Their tears are filling up the glasses/No expression, no expression/Hide my head I want to DROWN my sorrow/No tomorrow ...

Iubim Viata pentru ca … e singura realitate de care ne amintim, e singura garantie, singura secunda din eternitatea noastra in care ne putem simti, cladi amintiri, emotii, idei, face o diferenta, pentru ca speram ca in urmataoarea zi ceva neprevazut, ceva frumos sa se intample, sa apara… si e ciudat, pentru ca unii dintre noi asteptam o schimbare intreaga viata, pierzandu-ne in aceasta asteptare, paradoxal, in rutina. Iubim viata pentru visurile pe care ni le facem, si o uram atunci cand le pierdem. Unii dintre noi devin prea ancorati in realitate pentru a li se mai acorda o sansa de reusita, accepta viata asa cum e, fara a o provoca, fara a indrazni sa spuna “NU”, fara a se cladi – prea obositi, prea plictisiti, prea monotoni pentru a face o schimbare. Altii sunt prea nebuni, prea obsedati, prea plini de energie, de sete de schimbare, de a accepta zarurile deja aruncate de o divinitate.

And I find it kind of funny/I find it kind of sad/The dreams in which I'm dying/Are the best I've ever had ...

Sunt zile cand privim in urma, sunt zile cand ne intrebam pentru ce am trait, ce am facut, ce am schimbat, ce va ramane, cu ce voi ramane … si printre dezamagiri, cutreierand prin suflet, prin praful ce se ridica din tot ce s-a distrus, din tot ce e la pamant, sub zidurile sfaramate, in intunericul din fund, plin de rani necicatrizate, zarim imboldul din spatele energiei din noi, impulsul din spatele fiecarei actiuni, singurul lucru pe care il putem oferi, acel ceva ce ne face sa ne implicam in orice … we simply see, and feel LOVE. Iubirea pentru viata si tot ceea ce ea ne-a oferit …

“Fiecare om isi alcatuieste de-a lungul vietii un edificiu afectiv. Masura in care el este e data de consistenta acestui edificiu, de mana aceea de oameni – ei nu pot fi multi – pe care i-a preluat in el si pe care i-a iubit fara rest, fara umbra, si impotriva carora spiritul critic, chiar daca a fost prezent, a ramas neputincios. Acesti oameni putini care ne fac pe fiecare in parte sa nu regretam ca suntem reprezinta, chit ca o stim sau nu, stratul de protectie care ne ajuta sa trecem prin viata. Fiecare om face fata la ce i se intampla pentru ca este protejat in felul acesta. Fara acest zid de fiinte iubite care ne inconjoara (indiferent ca ele sunt sau nu sunt in viata), noi nu am fi buni de nimic. Ne-am destrama precum intr-o atmosfera in care frecarea este prea mare. Sau ne-am pierde, ne-am rataci pur si simplu in viata. Daca ura celorlalti – covarsitoare uneori –, invidia lor, marsavia lor sunt neputincioase este pentru ca exista cativa oameni pe care ii iubim pana la capat.“

Pe acesti putini oameni ii cautam in clipele de izolare, in incercarea noastra de a ne salva de noi insine, in incercarea unora de a se elibera de sub captivitatea fericirii impuse dinainte de a ne fi nascut … ce sunt? Cine sunt? Cum sunt? Ce vreau? Ne cladim pe noi insine cu fiecare pas, oferim energia si iubirea ce se ascunde in noi, pana in ziua cand suntem secati pana in strafundul sufletului, pana in ziua cand ne simtim atat de singuri in multime …nu e ironic? In marea de oameni, te afunzi tot mai adanc in propria mare, in marea de oameni te simti sufocata de toate zambetele, de toate oglinzile in care trebuia sa te reflecti. "Ce vor spune oamenii daca fac X/Y?" "Ce vor intelege daca le voi oferi o alta definitie la cele mai banale lucruri?" Sufocati de fericirea din jur, privim fara a respira, simtim cum cedam putin cate putin ... si atunci ne prabusim fara zgomot, in noi insine, devenim epave, fantome ce cauta o salvare – cautam lucruri, oameni pe care ii iubim pana la capat”, iar singurele momente evanescente, oricat de strans le-am strange in pumni, la piept, dispar si ne lasa in intuneric, scufundandu-ne incet, intr-o alta realitate …

Vezi tu, zambim atunci cand fiecare particica din noi plange. Ne sarbatorim zilele de nastere, desi, in fiecare an, ne simtim cei mai tristi, cei mai singuri tocmai in ziua aceea … e prima incalcare a “dreptului/condamnarii la fericire” … Ne intemeiem familii atunci cand ne uitam in calendar si vedem cat de mult a trecut, ce varsta avem, ratiunea, paradoxal, ne impune sa iubim, sau, daca avem curajul/nebunia, ne oprim din cautat inca dinainte de a o incepe. Pentru ca suntem sufocati in durere, in raceala noastra, in mica diferenta dintre ego si lume. Ignoram ce am invatat si oferim totul pentru ceea ce simtim adanc, pentru adevarata noastra fata, continuam sa scriem si sa ne transpunem, sa ne simtim, sa ne facem simtiti, sa ne vindem sufletele, sa oferim lumii intreaga noastra caldura si raceala, sa-i oferim tocmai ei, cea care ne condamna, care ne izoleaza, all our brightness and our darkness numai ca inainte de a reusi, cadem atat de brusc si de tare …

"The winners take nothing".

Suntem condamnati la fericire. Unii o privesc trist, in tacere, privesc spre cei ca ei, care au rupt tacerea cu un gest, ii inteleg in tacere, si se intorc la un alt timp de petrecere, la un alt tip de Mrs. Dalloway, si o iau spre capatul celalalt, in tacere, singurate, tristete … No, not the road to happiness. Just the road to real things, just the road to me, just another ego, trying to make a difference, with too much Energy, with too much love for life – books, friends, pets, winter, figure-skating, writing … LIFE.  

Scriem, continuam sa innegrim paginile albe, sa spunem povesti, sa fim noi cu noi ... dar nici macar aici nu putem fi egoisti 100%, nici macar aici nu suntem goi, ci purtam mereu, cu noi, acele fiinte dragi ... amintirile lor, un gest, un cuvant, o palma, un razboi, ne face sa coboram in noi, sa ne privim in oglinizi prafuite de timp si sentimente ... every writer has his own readers, every human being is formed by memories and these memories are given by People.

We fall in seas of isolation under the eyes of the crowd. Can you feel me now? Everyone wants something else from us, we want something else from our person and we are scared not to disappoint them. Can you touch me now? We give all our lives and all our love and we scream inside ourselves, in times of need for a feedback to the Life that we have offered ... when we are empty of Life, when we are naked of Love, when we are blind and scared by our own darkness. Can you catch me now? We need to be filled again with hope, with ourselves, we need to be filled with energy and words and gestures ... because the road is long ...

Si in acest lung nesfarsit obositor sfasietor drum, speram ca acesti oameni pe care “ii iubim pana la capat” sa fie aici, sa poata lupta cu tot intunericul din noi, sa poata “look right through me”, sau cel putin speram ca in fiecare noua zi sa mai avem energia necesara de-ai iubi pana la capat, de-a ne folosi propriile sentimente in lupta cu oboseala ce cade incet in sufletele noastre … in Viata pe un peron, Octavian Paler incheie cu o fraza pe care cu totii, cel putin o data in viata, o rostim:

Doamne, apără-mă de mine însumi!


July 10, 2010

Open Wide

You see everything, you see every part
You see all my light and you love my dark
You dig everything of which I'm ashamed
There's not anything to which you can't relate
And you're still here …


Words save us, hands catch souls, and gestures make us loving life. Everything begins and ends in Memories. And everything in Life has at its basis, without beginning, without end, FRIENDSHIP. Sometimes we need to be children, sometimes we need to be caught, sometimes kindness, wisdom, sensitivity fall asleep in seas of sadness, in search of identities. “I can be an asshole of the grandest kind” and still “I am the kindest soul with whom you’ve connected”.

I keep on saying ‘thank you’, I keep on falling, but there are some persons closed in my heart that are always here. They feel us, they trust us, they give us words and gestures and hugs in times of need. I gave silence, sadness, tears, fear. And there are people like us, with the same ideas, with the same world, respecting the rules that has formed our souls;  there are cold, stubborn people who become so warmth and so here when we need them, scolding us for our thoughts, soothing our wounds, seeing them when we hide, hearing our crying when we give silence, hugging our souls when we are rejecting every touch. Because they know the truth behind our masks, because they know they must stop us in order to breathe again, because they know the language of Friendship, of Human Soul, the language beneath all words and gestures ... For this kind of people, for those who see, and for those who LOVE our rays of lightness and of darkness, we dare to open slowly our souls, taking their hands and stepping into Life. 

OPENING WIDE, in fears, in hope, opening the world for us, opening in mistakes and blames and broken hearts ... but opening in everything that Life means.  

Open up yu mind mek some riddim cum in
Open up yu brain do some reasoning
Open up yu thoughts so we can connect
Open up fe knowledge an intellect,
Open up de speaker mek we blast de sound
Open up de sky mek de Bass cum down
Open up yu eyes mek we look inside
If yu need fe overstand dis open wide.

Open up yu house mek de Refugee cum in
Yu may overstand an start helping
Open yu imagination, gu fe a ride
If yu want fe overstand dis open wide
Open up yu fiss an welcum a kiss
Getta loada dis open up business

Open up yu Bank Account an spend
Open up yu wallet an chech a fren,
Open up de dance floor mek I dance
Open up yu body an luv romance
If yu have not opened up, yu hav not tried
See de other side an open wide

Open up de border free up de land
Open up de books in de Vatican
Open up yu self to any possibility
Open up yu heart an yu mentality,
Open any door dat yu confront
Let me put it straight, sincere and blunt
Narrow mindedness mus run an hide
Fe a shot of overstanding
Open Wide.

     By Benjamin Zephaniah                                                          



July 7, 2010


Life is made of ironies, one here, and one there, one in the past, one for the future. Have you ever felt your thought broken into thousands of pieces, losing that gravitation around an idea? Have you ever blamed so much that you stopped breathing inside yourself and you just wanted to close yourself or run from all the persons that you love? Have you ever lied them when you weren’t ok, because you were ashamed of yourself and you disappointed you? Have you ever felt nothing?

Yes, I guess God is too ironic sometimes. I wanted to avoid my past, I took my life in my own hands and I decided to fight. Ironically, my past is my present, and as one of my favorite writers shows it, only the past is real … I wanted to forget. I met people whose stories remembered mine. I decided to give EVERYTHING for a dream, to do and to write about what I love, to give up useless things and to close myself to others, because there are too many things to be explained. I became nothing and I feel nothing from which I wanted to be. I took challenges in order to show myself who I am, in order to let that awkward energy which is always pushing me taking control … is it real? Am I real? Or should I accept an ordinary life? Ironic again, I have no idea what I have accomplished. What have I showed to me? That I can even when I am down on my knees? That I can fight? But I have been fighting with myself for ages, and I know there shall be a day when Tiredness will take control on everything, as it has done it on that day … MY DAY, MY HEART, MY MIND. Because I feel through mind, because in order to feel, I need to think, and with what force feelings arouse in your soul, when they have in their background the intellectual world … 

Ironies. This year destroyed me. And with all my fights and all my secrets … the winner takes nothing. I learnt all the things that I dislike. All my life I have waited for a moment like that, for a moment in which I can show my soul to the world. Tiredness hit and God, how much I HATED myself then, how much I wanted to disappear, to forget myself, to run somewhere, on the top of the mountain and cry … or to be hugged by persons that I love. I have disappointed; I don’t want to hear encouragements when I hate myself, because, top of all, I have disappointed myself. I did all the things that I hate, and I am sure that I will forget all the things that I have learned, and I gave up the things that I love. Yes, I don't accept people, I don’t want to explain myself, I don’t want to say WHY a faculty means so much for me, WHY ambitions are essentials, WHY I cannot communicate with them … so in both the domains, I am nothing.

How many times have you given EVERYTHING for something or someone and you received nothing or you were blamed? How many times have you given pieces of heaven and you received flames of hell? How many times have you seen yourself in a person’s story but you couldn’t speak, because wounds were too deep, there, in the middle of your heart, and bleeding has never stopped? How many times have you wanted to be understood, to be soothed, to be treated as a child, to be hugged and nobody has seen you? You wanted reality, you wanted real things, take a look in your life, in your bitterness, in your loneliness … do you still want MORE?!

 I blame myself now. Maybe this is who I am, and everything from my life reflects this … accomplishments? Tell me one, just one. Why should future be different from past or present, why shouldn’t I kill all my dreams, and live without living?

I dreamed and I didn’t change anything; I use masks and I want to crush them and close myself in a real shell, giving up everything, turning off phones, shutting my laptop and let thoughts gravitating around blame. I met a person who was a little bit too much like me, I have never had the courage to tell her why, I met a person who was my opposite and I have never screamed at her that she is so pathetic … or am I the one pathetic? I involve in goals, this time I didn’t have the energy, the time, the ME to take this train, I wanted to show myself that I am good at something and I showed myself that maybe it would be better to give up, I criticized the system and I didn’t want to be part of it – now I am part of no system. With how much angriness can we attack our own person? And how far should we go with self-destruction? Because yes, life is made of too many connections, and there are too many ironies, and we are a little bit too Sisif in order to take a sit and say …. Stop.

Yes, a little bit too ironic, even for me ... I am tired to believe in me.

Quiet times in times of War

I started this year with the following quote: "It's a little embarrassing that after 45 years of research and study, the best advic...