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June 4, 2010

Roses. Good-bye. Good-morning.

What do you do when your words are stolen?

What do you feel when your entire life has been filled with words instead of feelings, and suddenly you are emptied of words?

What do you do when your words are stolen by a rose?

Life is made of days, of hours, of minutes. Or is it made of Good-byes and Good-mornings? People come and go. People stay. New sentence. We close inside ourselves an entire world, full of people, of joy, of sadness, of Thunders and Lightenings, of Snowflakes and of Smiles. I build up Feelings and Friendship in years, but I am destroyed by words in seconds. Life gives us happy and sad moments, some of them full of loneliness, some of them showing to us how unfair life can be. We crash in the light of the morning sun, we are alone in afternoons full of rain, and we want to be alone at night in order to hide pain. But there are also days when we remain the same cold not-interested being, too away with thoughts and words and fairies to feel something except tiredness in crowd’s noises ...But here, inside your being, the Silence was broken. One by one, snowflakes fall gently on your heart. Like Memories, one by one, word by word, smile by smile, white roses and orange ones.

What do you do when your words are stolen? You feel yourself filled with tears, from the bottom of your soul to the top of your heart and it is SO STRANGE that feeling … you feel sadness, in your search to find your voice. You feel all the tears that you have swallowed for months and all the tears that you have let them fall at night or in your solitary walks, you feel that need again, to let them fall on a shoulder … You fall in human (not inhuman arms). And you also feel joy. Joy of White Flags, of Peace, finally Peace, Joy of being surprised, Joy of feeling that wars are over, that finally someone has heard you, and someone is here. Feelings - should I describe them? Touch a rose or smell it, you shall know what I say. 

Good-bye. Whispering in your ear while your eyes, filled with Tiredness, are watching. Screaming from your soul - good-bye. Time to say it, time to go on. People come and go. Good-bye. From your snowflakes, who grew up in your palms, who hugged you and said “I love you”, who laughed with you when they didn’t see the masks, who made you laugh inside, behind your masks, when you used those masks in order to hide tears of pain. For one more time, you used that mask today, you were ok in Tiredness, because it was the moment when that part of you was filled with their Memories.

Good-morning. Whispering in your soul, filled with wounds. Screaming from your heart, filled with Joy. Falling like a lightning in your road. People stay. Forever. Real, different,valuable people, made of flash and soul, stay! This is the sentence that you had to learn, to hear it, to feel it, to trust it. People stay. Near you, you hear a Good-morning and a gentle hand on your shoulder. A good-morning without beginning, without end, as the Real you, the complete, united you, inside of masks, and voices and ghosts.

What do you do when your words are stolen?What do you feel when your entire life has been filled with words instead of feelings, and suddenly you are emptied of words?What do you do when your words are stolen by a rose?

From Words to Thought to Beating Hearts - You simply FEEL.

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