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June 28, 2013

We Have All the Time in the World ...

Let me be and let me live.
James Joyce

Every time that we fall, we are thirsty of life. We all want to be “forever young”, to chase after dreams, to fulfill them, to have energy for thousands of things and actions … We feel life rushing through our veins, words rambling in our imagination, we feel that we can climb any mountain, that we have time to cry, to procrastinate, to be happy,to write ... time for friends, for us, for everything and everyone … Until, one day, we, our bodies, our minds, simply stop. So why don't we let life simply flow? 

We have all the time in the world … that would be nice, wouldn’t it? 

June 15, 2013

Beat of a "Headache"

"Twenty-five years I'm alive here still
Trying to get up that great big hill of hope
For a destination"...

De fiecare data, cand incerc sa asez ceva pe pagina alba, gandurile se rup, se ,,incolatacesc” intre ele, cuvintele se duc de-a dura si parca nu mai spun ceea ce vreau eu ... Niciodata nu am putut intelege cum unii oameni se pot aseza in fata laptopului sau a unei pagini albe si incep sa scrie automat, trecand de la un subiect la altul, un anumit numar x de articole pe zi, de recenzii, de povesti... Ma lupt de ceva saptamani bune cu mine insami de a aseza un simplu cuvant pe-o pagina, de a imi ordona gandurile, de a ma lasa sa simt ceva. Ma deranjeaza caietele clasice, cu foi prea subtiri sau prea groase, fara spirale, camera prea tacuta sau prea sonora, oamenii care vin si pleaca. Sunt zile in care nu pot ingana nimic. Zile in care imi caut creionale mecanice si descopar ca nu mai am niciunul functionabil sau ca le-am pierdut pe toate si nu ma indur sa mai pornesc la drum ... la fel ca acum.

Stii visurile acelea pe care le aveam cu totii cand eram mici, jocurile noastre, toate acele lucruri, la care visam, si credeam, in naivitatea si ignoranta noastra, ca se vor indeplini? Emotiile care se trezeau in noi si ceea ce simteam atunci cand eram noi cu noi insine ... Giving up has never been an option, but one day it remains the only thing left ... What do we feel then?

Wanting to scream from the top of your lungs, in your construction, deconstruction, self-destruction, wanting to jump into a car and drive with 200 Mph, feeling numb, insane, and furious, wanting to hit everything and everyone, wanting to do everything you haven’t done so far, wanting to fall into this Silence ...


Blue January

This too, shall pass … The phrase that I keep repeating to myself during these days. " I was bruised and battered I couldn't tell w...